Research Presentation: Dr. Lisa Kahaleole Hall

Ceremonial Hall, First Peoples House

Dr. Lisa Kahaleole Hall and Dr. Martin Cannon are being considered for the position of Director of the Indigenous Studies program at the University of Victoria. The search committee, which includes members from the Humanities, Social Sciences and Indigenous communities, invites you to attend research presentations by each candidate on May 4 and 9, respectively. There will be time for audience questions and attendees will have an opportunity to provide written feedback on the candidate for consideration by the appointment...

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Research Presentation: Dr. Martin Cannon

Ceremonial Hall, First Peoples House

Dr. Lisa Kahaleole Hall and Dr. Martin Cannon are being considered for the position of Director of the Indigenous Studies program at the University of Victoria. The search committee, which includes members from the Humanities, Social Sciences and Indigenous communities, invites you to attend research presentations by each candidate on May 4 and 9, respectively. There will be time for audience questions and attendees will have an opportunity to provide written feedback on the candidate for consideration by the appointment...

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