Council Meeting

Continuing Studies Room 280 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The fall meeting of the Council of the UVic Faculty Association.

Negotiating Team Retreat

This is a workshop designed for the Faculty Association Negotiating Team, in coordination with CUFA BC (Confederation of University Faculty Associations BC) and CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teacher). It's designed as an intensive workshop of collective bargaining in BC and in the PSEC context, as well as outlining negotiating strategies and techniques. For more information on CUFA BC, click here. For more information on CAUT, click here.

Fall Executive Committee Retreat

Twice a year the Executive Committee of the University of Victoria Faculty Association holds a retreat in order to bring the entire EC together to focus on a specific topic or issue. Previously, retreats have dealt with issues like engagement, fiduciary responsibility, dealing with conflict, and equity issues. This EC retreat will focus on collective bargaining and the steps being taken as we move towards negotiating a new collective agreement in 2019.

Forum for Chairs and Directors

The University of Victoria Faculty Association holds a forum twice a year for department Chairs and Directors, which is intended as an informal gathering over lunch to meet with colleagues for an open discussion on challenges and solutions encountered in their role. Input from participants will help inform the Associations efforts on where and how to provide ongoing support for Chairs and Directors, as well as identify any areas of the current Collective Agreement that require clarification or language improvement.

Faculty Feedback Café

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

TOPIC: Early-in-Career Faculty Bargaining Priorities We are dedicating our next Faculty Feedback Café to hearing from Members on workplace-related issues specific to Early-in-Career Faculty. The goal of this informal discussion is to identify ways in which the Collective Agreement may be improved to provide better support to Members who are either new to UVic or pre-tenure. When: November 28, 2018 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM Where: U-Club Member Lounge Beverages and light snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing...

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