Research Presentation: Dr. Lisa Kahaleole Hall

Ceremonial Hall, First Peoples House

Dr. Lisa Kahaleole Hall and Dr. Martin Cannon are being considered for the position of Director of the Indigenous Studies program at the University of Victoria. The search committee, which includes members from the Humanities, Social Sciences and Indigenous communities, invites you to attend research presentations by each candidate on May 4 and 9, respectively. There will be time for audience questions and attendees will have an opportunity to provide written feedback on the candidate for consideration by the appointment...

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Research Presentation: Dr. Martin Cannon

Ceremonial Hall, First Peoples House

Dr. Lisa Kahaleole Hall and Dr. Martin Cannon are being considered for the position of Director of the Indigenous Studies program at the University of Victoria. The search committee, which includes members from the Humanities, Social Sciences and Indigenous communities, invites you to attend research presentations by each candidate on May 4 and 9, respectively. There will be time for audience questions and attendees will have an opportunity to provide written feedback on the candidate for consideration by the appointment...

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New Member Social

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

This is an event co-hosted by the UVic Faculty Association and the University of Victoria. This is an opportunity for new faculty and librarian members to mix and mingle and to get to know the Faculty Association and University leadership.

Faculty Feedback Cafe – Teaching Faculty Bargaining Issues

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

This feedback café is focused on issues specific to teaching faculty collective bargaining. When: September 26, 2018 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM Where: U-Club Member Lounge Beverages and light snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there! If you are unable to attend but want to weigh in, please send your feedback to [email protected].

Fifth Annual Promotion and Tenure Celebration

Vista 18 Westcoast Grill & Wine Bar 740 Burdett Ave, Victoria, BC, Canada

This is the fifth year that the Association has held this important event to honour the achievements of our colleagues and to recognize their contribution to our scholarly community.

FALC General Meeting and Open House

Library Room 210

Join us for our Faculty Librarian Committee General Meeting and Open House Reception to discuss issues of importance as we head towards collective bargaining in 2019. Faculty Association President Helga Hallgrimsdottir will provide an update on the state of play with regards to a bargaining mandate.

Faculty Feedback Cafe – Bargaining Issues for Indigenous Faculty

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

This feedback café is focused on issues specific to indigenous faculty collective bargaining. When: September 26, 20184:30 PM – 6:30 PM Where: U-Club Member Lounge Beverages and light snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there! If you are unable to attend but want to weigh in, please send your feedback to [email protected].

Council Meeting

Continuing Studies Room 280 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The fall meeting of the Council of the UVic Faculty Association.

Negotiating Team Retreat

This is a workshop designed for the Faculty Association Negotiating Team, in coordination with CUFA BC (Confederation of University Faculty Associations BC) and CAUT (Canadian Association of University Teacher). It's designed as an intensive workshop of collective bargaining in BC and in the PSEC context, as well as outlining negotiating strategies and techniques. For more information on CUFA BC, click here. For more information on CAUT, click here.

Fall Executive Committee Retreat

Twice a year the Executive Committee of the University of Victoria Faculty Association holds a retreat in order to bring the entire EC together to focus on a specific topic or issue. Previously, retreats have dealt with issues like engagement, fiduciary responsibility, dealing with conflict, and equity issues. This EC retreat will focus on collective bargaining and the steps being taken as we move towards negotiating a new collective agreement in 2019.

Forum for Chairs and Directors

The University of Victoria Faculty Association holds a forum twice a year for department Chairs and Directors, which is intended as an informal gathering over lunch to meet with colleagues for an open discussion on challenges and solutions encountered in their role. Input from participants will help inform the Associations efforts on where and how to provide ongoing support for Chairs and Directors, as well as identify any areas of the current Collective Agreement that require clarification or language improvement.

Faculty Feedback Café

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

TOPIC: Early-in-Career Faculty Bargaining Priorities We are dedicating our next Faculty Feedback Café to hearing from Members on workplace-related issues specific to Early-in-Career Faculty. The goal of this informal discussion is to identify ways in which the Collective Agreement may be improved to provide better support to Members who are either new to UVic or pre-tenure. When: November 28, 2018 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM Where: U-Club Member Lounge Beverages and light snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing...

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Ordinary General Meeting

David Strong Building, RM C118 3800 Finnerty Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The fall 2018 Ordinary General Meeting of the University of Victoria Faculty Association

General Meeting

Cornett, Room B129 3800 Finnerty Rd., Victoria, British Columbia

Regular Council Meeting

Clearihue A212 3800 Finnerty Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Bargaining Update Open House

Clearihue A311

Drop-in for an update on current contract negotiations!   The Association and the Administration have been bargaining since February 26th.  Come hear from your Negotiating Team about progress at the bargaining table. Drop in for a coffee and a chat.  We look forward to seeing you!   Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM | Clearihue, RM A311   Wednesday, April 24, 2019 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM | David Strong, RM C124    Please contact us at [email protected] for more information...

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Bargaining Update Open House — Topic: Workload

David Strong Building, RM C122 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, BC, Canada

Drop-in for an update on current contract negotiations!   The Association and the Administration have been bargaining since February 26th.  Come hear from your Negotiating Team about progress at the bargaining table. Drop in for a coffee and a chat.  We look forward to seeing you!   Wednesday, March 27, 2019 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM | Clearihue, RM A311   Wednesday, April 24, 2019 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM | David Strong, RM C124    Please contact us at [email protected] for more information...

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Bargaining Open House —New Time – SALARY PROPOSAL

Cornett, Room B111 3800 Finnerty Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

The Administration has now presented their complete salary proposal! Please join us at the next Bargaining Update Open House, where we will provide an important update on salary negotiations. When: Wednesday, June 26, 2019 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM – NEW TIME Where: Cornett B111

Teaching Faculty Mentoring Event & Social

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

Join us for a discussion of teaching stream related changes and improvements in the new Collective Agreement! MODERATORS Chief Negotiator, Helga Hallgrímsdóttir Negotiating Team Member, Anthony Vickery

Faculty Feedback Café

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

All Faculty Members and Librarians are welcome to attend our Feedback Cafés to learn more about the new Collective Agreement, ask questions, and connect with colleagues. Beverages and light snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!

FA Council Meeting

David Strong Building, RM C118 3800 Finnerty Rd., Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Faculty Feedback Café

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

All Faculty Members and Librarians are welcome to attend our Feedback Cafés to learn more about the new Collective Agreement, ask questions, and connect with colleagues. Beverages and light snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!

EGM – UVic Divestment Campaign

David Strong Building, RM C122 3800 Finnerty Road, Victoria, BC, Canada

The Executive Committee encourages all Members to attend this Extraordinary General Meeting to consider the Association’s position on divesting from fossil fuels.

Faculty Feedback Café

Members Lounge, University Club 3800 Finnerty Rd, Victoria, BC, Canada

All Faculty Members and Librarians are welcome to attend our Faculty Feedback Cafés to learn more about the new Collective Agreement, ask questions, and connect with colleagues. Beverages and light snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!

Ordinary General Meeting

Human & Social Development A240 , Canada

All Faculty Association Members are encouraged to attend!

Teaching Faculty Forum: Faculty Evaluation Policies and Departmental Standard Documents

Wild Rose Room, University Club

The Teaching Faculty Committee invites all Teaching Faculty to a forum dedicated to discussing questions about the development of Faculty Evaluation Policies (FEP’s) and Departmental Standard (DS) documents as per the new language in the 2019-2022 Collective Agreement. Lynne Marks, Association President, will be there to answer questions on what to look for in new FEPs and how to inform the development of your DS documents to ensure appropriate intersections with the CA language for Teaching Faculty and other issues...

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Drop-In Info Sesssion on Unit Standards

University House 2 , Canada

Faculty  Association President, Lynne Marks and Membership Services Advisor, Reuben Kellen will be there to provide insight and answer your questions to assist in the development of the Unit Standard documents. Everyone welcome!

Joint Drop-In Session on Unit Standards

Michael Williams Building 120

The Faculty Association and Faculty Relations will be holding a joint drop-in session today to answer questions about Unit Standards.  

Joint Drop-In Session on Unit Standards

Michael Williams Building 220

The Faculty Association and Faculty Relations will be holding a joint drop-in session today to answer questions about Unit Standards.

Joint Drop-In Session on Unit Standards

Michael Williams Building 120

The Faculty Association and Faculty Relations will be holding a joint drop-in session today to answer questions about Unit Standards.

Faculty Association Annual General Meeting

Virtual Meeting Link: Joining the Meeting by Videoconference Launch the BlueJeans system to test your connection through a browser (Edge, Chrome and Firefox preferred) or download the BlueJeans app. Try the test link. Here is a short video tutorial on how to join the meeting as a participant. Joining the Meeting by Telephone In order to optimize your participation in the online meeting (and to help us best facilitate the meeting), we highly encourage you to please access the...

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Making Decisions about Deferral Options

via BlueJeans

You are invited to attend this virtual session on making a decision about whether to defer consideration for tenure, re-appointment or continuing appointment. To RSVP, please contact Penny Murray - [email protected]    

Forum for New Chairs and Directors

The Forum will provide the opportunity to ask questions about your new roles and responsibilities and to hear from a panel of experienced Chairs – Graham Voss (ECON), Helga Hallgrímsdóttir (CYC) and Adam Ritz (PHYS). Faculty Association President, Lynne Marks, and Chairs and Directors portfolio holder, Chris Bose, will also speak briefly and will be moderating the discussion. We will include time for Chairs to talk among themselves about current and upcoming issues. For more information contact Penny Murray: [email protected]

Workshop on Promotion to Professor and Teaching Professor


You’re Invited – Workshop on Promotion to Professor and Teaching Professor The Faculty Association will be holding a Zoom session for Associate Professors and Associate Teaching Professors, designed to discuss possible paths towards promotion. This workshop is aimed at providing insights into the process of promotion to Professor or Teaching Professor, and more importantly, into strategies for focusing on the research trajectory needed to achieve promotion. Facilitated by Lynne Marks (FA President and Professor, History) and Martha McGinnis (FA Secretary...

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Extraordinary Council Meeting

Given all of the additional stresses and work demands being placed on our members at this time, we are planning to hold a Council meeting to get feedback about how things are going in regard to online teaching, the transition to the new LMS and other COVID related issues. We're hoping that you will canvass the members of your unit for any concerns they may have, and bring them to the Council meeting. At this meeting we are hoping you...

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Workshop for Early in Career Faculty


Workshop for Early in Career Faculty At this workshop, we will discuss strategies that will help you to achieve reappointment, tenure and promotion, or continuing appointment and promotion. There will also be opportunities for us to answer other questions you may have as an early in career faculty member, particularly in this time of COVID. Further, we will be asking you what additional supports you might be looking for from the Association. The workshop will begin with a panel presentation...

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FA Black and Persons of Colour Caucus Meeting


FA Black and Persons of Colour Caucus Meeting This is the first meeting of the Caucus where we hope to provide a safe space for BPOC FA members to network and discuss issues of mutual concern. We also hope this caucus will enable members to provide advice and recommendations on policy issues to the FA and the University. The initial meeting will be chaired by Lynne Marks, FA President, and the agenda will include a discussion of terms of reference...

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BC Election 2020 – All-Candidates Forum on Post-Secondary Issues

All-Candidates Forum on Post-secondary Issues With the Provincial Election set for Saturday, October 24, the Association has partnered with the other on-campus unions and the undergraduate and graduate student societies to host an All-Candidates Forum on Post-secondary Issues. The theme of the forum is post-secondary issues, including related campus/community issues such as public transit and sustainability. The first half of the forum will consist of pre-selected questions posed by the moderator, and the second half will be a town hall...

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Promotion & Tenure Workshop for RPT Committee Members


Promotion & Tenure Workshop for RPT Committee Members The Faculty Association would like to invite FA members currently serving on Tenure and Promotion committees to a workshop on tenure and promotion issues. The workshop will include: • Equity training presentation from a staff member of the Equity and Human Rights Office. Equity training is now a requirement for members of ARPT committees, as per the new Collective Agreement, s. 32.2i. This presentation is one way that members of RPT committees...

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Chairs & Directors Forum


All Chairs & Directors are invited to attend this online forum to discuss continuing issues related to COVID-19. You will also be able to raise other concerns you think the FA should be addressing at this time, and there will be time to compare notes and discuss these issues among yourselves. Faculty Association President, Lynne Marks, and our Chairs & Directors portfolio holder, Chris Bose, will be there to provide updates on COVID-related issues and any other new developments and...

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Chairs & Directors Forum


All Chairs & Directors are invited to attend this online forum to discuss continuing issues related to COVID-19. You will also be able to raise other concerns you think the FA should be addressing at this time, and there will be time to compare notes and discuss these issues among yourselves. Faculty Association President, Lynne Marks, and our Chairs & Directors portfolio holder, Chris Bose, will be there to provide updates on COVID-related issues and any other new developments and...

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FA Ordinary General Meeting

FA Ordinary General Meeting Date: Friday, Nov 27, 2020 Time: 2:30 PM– 4:30 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 896 4161 1997 One tap mobile +17789072071,,89641611997# Canada Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada Meeting ID: 896 4161 1997 The Faculty Association encourages all members to attend!

Faculty Association Virtual Forum with UVic President Kevin Hall

When: Wednesday, January 27, 2021  from 2:30 - 3:30pm Topic: Faculty Association Virtual Forum with UVic President Kevin Hall Register in advance for this Zoom webinar: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. The forum is open to all members of the Faculty Association. The forum will begin with a 15 minute talk by President Hall. We’ve asked him to address how he views his relationship with faculty members at UVic, and...

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Chairs & Directors Forum

You’re invited! Chairs & Directors Forum Hosted by the Faculty Association president, Lynne Marks, and the Chair and Director portfolio held by Chris Bose, you are invited to attend one or both forums offered on February 25 & 26. Lynne and Chris will also update you on any recent developments of particular relevance to Chairs and Directors and will welcome your suggestions regarding priorities for next year’s bargaining. We also hope that those who have already gone through the process...

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Chairs & Directors Forum

You're invited! Chairs & Directors Forum Hosted by the Faculty Association president, Lynne Marks, and the Chair and Director portfolio held by Chris Bose, you are invited to attend one or both forums.  Lynne and Chris will also update you on any recent developments of particular relevance to Chairs and Directors and will welcome your suggestions regarding priorities for next year's bargaining. We also hope that those who have already gone through the process can share with your colleagues and...

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Workshop for Pre-Tenure & Pre-Continuing Appointment Members

Workshop for Pre-Tenure & Pre-Continuing Appointment Members: This workshop may be of particular interest to those who may be considering whether or not to inform your chair/director that you are planning to go up for reappointment, promotion or continuing appointment this year. As you know, the deadline to inform your chair/director is coming up on April 15th. With our COVID agreements with the university, you have more options about when to go up for reappointment/promotion or continuing appointment. At this...

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FA Annual General Meeting

FA Annual General Meeting Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 883 0648 0560 One tap mobile +17789072071,,88306480560# Canada Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada Meeting ID: 883 0648 0560

FA Research Forum with VP Research Lisa Kalynchuk

The Faculty Association is hosting a virtual forum with Dr. Lisa Kalynchuk, Vice-President Research and Innovation. Dr. Kalynchuk will give a brief overview of the university’s new strategic research and creative works plan. She will also discuss plans for new measures to improve support for research including: research supports related to COVID expansion of the internal research grants program a new program for postdoctoral fellows a set of supports for early career researchers and researchers from equity-deserving groups Following the...

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Forum for New & Incoming Chairs and Directors

The Faculty Association would like to invite all new and incoming Chairs and Directors to a forum to hear from experienced chairs discuss how they have managed conflicting expectations, enlisted the help of colleagues and staff effectively, dealt with particularly challenging situations, and talk about what they find rewarding about the role. The Forum will include a panel of experienced Chairs: Catherine Caws (French) Michael McGuire (Electrical and Computer Engineering) Ulrich Mueller, (Psychology) Jean-Paul Restoule (Indigenous Education) Chris Bose, FA...

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Teaching Stream Faculty Pension Discussion Forum

The Teaching Stream Faculty/Pension Committee invites all Teaching Stream Faculty to a forum dedicated to discussing questions about our current pension plan, which was analyzed in a report commissioned by the Faculty Association. We think you will find the comparison between our current Money Purchase Plan and Combination Plans informative. Please join members of the FA Teaching Stream Faculty and FA Pension Committee to find out more and ask questions about the ins and outs of the two plans. Some...

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New Committee Member Orientation

We will be hosting a Virtual Orientation Session for new or relatively new FA committee members on Monday, October 4th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. We will answer any questions you may have. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you would like to attend. Everyone welcome!

FA Committee Member Orientation

We will be hosting a Virtual Orientation Session for new or relatively new committee members on Monday, October 4th from 12:00pm to 1:00pm. We will answer any questions you may have. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you would like to attend. All FA Committee Members welcome!

Collective Bargaining Consultations: Drop-in Session with Lynne Marks (Chief Negotiator)

Collective Bargaining Consultations: Drop-in Session with Lynne Marks (Chief Negotiator) As part of our ongoing consultations with the membership as we prepare for Collective Bargaining that will start in February of 2022, the Association will be hosting a series of drop-ins and Faculty Feedback Cafes (virtual) between now and the beginning of December. At the Faculty Feedback Cafes we hope to provide results from a series of bargaining surveys that we’ll be sending out shortly. At the Cafes we will...

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Collective Bargaining Consultations: Drop-in Session with Caterina Valeo (Negotiating Team Co-Chair)

Collective Bargaining Consultations: Drop-in Session with Caterina Valeo (Negotiating Team Co-Chair) As part of our ongoing consultations with the membership as we prepare for Collective Bargaining that will start in February of 2022, the Association will be hosting a series of drop-ins and Faculty Feedback Cafes (virtual) between now and the beginning of December. At the Faculty Feedback Cafes we hope to provide results from a series of bargaining surveys that we’ll be sending out shortly. At the Cafes we...

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Chairs & Directors Forum

This forum will provide an opportunity to discuss material gathered from the upcoming Chairs & Directors bargaining survey and to add other suggestions to help develop the bargaining mandate.  Faculty Association President, Lynne Marks, and Chairs & Directors portfolio holder, Chris Bose, will also be there to answer questions and to hear from you about workload issues and other challenges you may have. More details will be sent out at a later date. Please RSVP to [email protected]

Chairs & Directors Forum

This forum will provide an opportunity to discuss material gathered from the upcoming Chairs & Directors bargaining survey and to add other suggestions to help develop the bargaining mandate.  Faculty Association President, Lynne Marks, and Chairs & Directors portfolio holder, Chris Bose, will also be there to answer questions and to hear from you about workload issues and other challenges you may have. More details will be sent out at a later date. Please RSVP to [email protected]

Collective Bargaining Consultations: Drop-in Session with Elisabeth Gugl (Negotiating Team Co-Chair)

Collective Bargaining Consultations: Drop-in Session with Elisabeth Gugl (Negotiating Team Co-Chair) As part of our ongoing consultations with the membership as we prepare for Collective Bargaining that will start in February of 2022, the Association will be hosting a series of drop-ins and Faculty Feedback Cafes (virtual) between now and the beginning of December. At the Faculty Feedback Cafes we hope to provide results from a series of bargaining surveys that we’ll be sending out shortly. At the Cafes we...

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Collective Bargaining Consultations: Faculty Feedback Café #1

Collective Bargaining Consultations: Faculty Feedback Café Topic: Compensation (Salary, Benefits, Salary Evaluation, Retirement, Leaves) Hosted by members of the Association’s Negotiating Team As part of our ongoing consultations with the membership as we prepare for Collective Bargaining that will start in February of 2022, the Association will be hosting a series of drop-ins and Faculty Feedback Café (virtual) between now and the beginning of December. At the Faculty Feedback Cafés we hope to provide results from a series of bargaining...

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Collective Bargaining Consultations: Faculty Feedback Café #2

Collective Bargaining Consultations: Faculty Feedback Café Topic: Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Hosted by members of the Association’s Negotiating Team As part of our ongoing consultations with the membership as we prepare for Collective Bargaining that will start in February of 2022, the Association will be hosting a series of drop-ins and Faculty Feedback Café (virtual) between now and the beginning of December. At the Faculty Feedback Cafés we hope to provide results from a series of bargaining surveys that we’ll...

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Collective Bargaining Consultations: Faculty Feedback Café #3

Collective Bargaining Consultations: Faculty Feedback Café Topic: Research, Teaching, Service, Workload Hosted by members of the Association’s Negotiating Team As part of our ongoing consultations with the membership as we prepare for Collective Bargaining that will start in February of 2022, the Association will be hosting a series of drop-ins and Faculty Feedback Café (virtual) between now and the beginning of December. At the Faculty Feedback Cafés we hope to provide results from a series of bargaining surveys that we’ll...

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Ordinary General Meeting

The OGM is open to all UVic faculty members. Hope you can join us! Date: Thursday, December 9, 2021 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 One tap mobile +17789072071,,95909795893# Canada +16475580588,,95909795893# Canada Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada +1 647 558 0588 Canada Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 Find your local number:

Extraordinary General Meeting – Bargaining Mandate

The Extraordinary General Meeting is open to all UVic faculty members. At this meeting we will be voting to approve the Bargaining Mandate. Hope you can join us! Date: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 Time: 2:00pm – 4:00pm Zoom: Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 One tap mobile +17789072071,,95909795893# Canada +16475580588,,95909795893# Canada Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada +1 647 558 0588 Canada Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 Find your local number:

Mil Rate Info Meeting

Lynne Marks, FA President, invites you to attend this Information Session with a presentation and an opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the proposed mil rate increase. Wednesday, February 9th, 2022 11:00am to 12:30pm Zoom: Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 One tap mobile +17789072071,,95909795893# Canada Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 Find your local number:

Mil Rate Drop-in Q & A

Lynne Marks, FA President, invites you to attend this Drop-in Session for an opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the proposed mil rate increase. Friday, February 11th, 2022 3:30pm to 5:00pm Zoom: Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 One tap mobile +17789072071,,95909795893# Canada Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 Find your local number:

Mil Rate Drop-in Q & A

Lynne Marks, FA President, invites you to attend this Drop-in Session for an opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the proposed mil rate increase. Wednesday, February 16th, 2022 2:00pm to 3:30pm Zoom: Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 One tap mobile +17789072071,,95909795893# Canada Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 Find your local number:

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is open to all UVic faculty members. Hope you can join us! Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Time: 1:30pm – 3:30pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 One tap mobile +17789072071,,95909795893# Canada +16475580588,,95909795893# Canada Dial by your location +1 778 907 2071 Canada +1 647 558 0588 Canada Meeting ID: 959 0979 5893 Find your local number:

Collective Agreement Celebration Party

Fireplace Louge, University Club

Dear Colleagues, We now have a new ratified Collective Agreement (CA). Our FA-CA negotiation team members (Lynne Marks, Elisabeth Gugl, Caterina Valeo, Christine O'Bonsawin, Christopher Eagle, Jane Morrison, and Justin Harrison) supported by FA staff (Ben Johnson and Nathan Todd) have gone through long negotiation sessions and worked hard to complete the process. Please come and meet the members of the negotiation team on Tuesday, April 4, 2023, 4:00pm - 6:00pm, Fireplace Lounge, University Club. Our negotiation team members will...

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