Fall 2015 Member Events a Great Success!
The Fall 2015 membership events calendar was full as we headed into our first year of the new Collective Agreement (CA).

To start off, we celebrated the signing of the new CA by setting up our booth at the University of Victoria Student Society’s inaugural Locals for Local Farmer’s Market during orientation week – we had over 100 visitors and three of our members took home prize gift baskets! We look forward to doing this event again next year.
Our Assistant Teaching Professor’s Social at the University Club was also well-attended. As we enter our first promotion cycle to Associate Teaching Professor, there were a lot of questions regarding the language in the CA.

We also saw close to 40 members get reappointments, promotions and tenure! Something to celebrate indeed as the success of our members is also the success of the University and the UVic community. This was our second Promotion & Tenure Celebration and special guests included Jamie Cassels, University of Victoria President, Valerie Kuehne, Vice-President Academic and Provost, and, Mary Anne Waldron, AVP Faculty Relations and Academic Administration. A big Thank you! to all who were able to attend the celebrations this year.
Upcoming Winter 2016 events will include workshops and educational seminars on changes to the MI process under the new CA.