Bargaining Mandate and Mil Rate Increase Have Been Verified!

Bargaining Mandate and Mil Rate Increase Have Been Verified!



Dear Members,

We are very pleased to inform you that the mil rate proposal passed with 86.1% of votes in favour, well over the two-thirds majority needed.  The bargaining mandate passed with 95.6% of votes in favour.  507 members cast ballots in each vote.  See certified voting results here.

We would like to sincerely thank all of our members for participating in these important votes. Thank you also for the confidence you place in us.

We will continue to do our very best to advocate as strongly as possible for you all, both individually and regarding issues that impact all or many of us. The successful mil rate vote will ensure that we have the resources we need to continue to do so.

We will also be working as strongly as possible on your behalf in the upcoming bargaining round.  With this very positive bargaining mandate vote, the administration will recognize that the issues we bring forward at the table have the full support of our members.

Thanks again and all the very best,

Lynne Marks
President and Chief Negotiator


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