Member Bulletins & Advisories

Results of ballot on mil-rate and CAUT Defence Fund

Results of ballot on mil-rate and CAUT Defence Fund

The results of the recent ballot on a proposed mil-rate increase and joining the CAUT Defence Fund are as follows: Voter Turnout:  44.6% Authorization to increase UVic Faculty Association mil-rate:  Yes 53%    No 47%   This proposal needed a 75% affirmative to pass – therefore, it  has not passed. Authorization to join CAUT Defence Fund:  Yes 53%   No 47%   This proposal needed a simple majority to pass – therefore it has passed. Our executive director has confirmed…

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Answers to your questions about the need for a mil-rate increase

Answers to your questions about the need for a mil-rate increase

Richard Pickard, Treasurer of the UVic FA, provided these answers to questions asked at Monday’s general meeting: Question #1: When the FA’s Treasurer talks about past deficits, how large are these annual deficits, and how consistent have these annual deficits been? Answer: The FA has run a deficit in four of the six budget years since 2009. We had a small surplus for 2008/2009 (just under $30,000, or 6.5% of revenues), and a large surplus for 2011/2012 (over $108,000, or…

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Brian Brown responds to questions about how strike or lockout funds are disbursed for members of the CAUT Defence Fund

Brian Brown responds to questions about how strike or lockout funds are disbursed for members of the CAUT Defence Fund

You asked a number of important questions during Monday’s OGM. Here are answers to questions related to the CAUT Defense Fund: Q.  What is required of members of a striking or locked-out union, in order to receive strike or lockout pay? A.  Brian Brown, President, CAUT Defence fund, responded by email on September 17th: “The member union decides how the strike pay is distributed to the members. The DF [Defence Fund] will make a direct deposit into your [the Association’s] bank…

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