Member Bulletins & Advisories



Message from the Association President Dear Colleagues, I hope that all is well with all of you. I am writing to clarify a few points regarding the LOU that I sent out to you all last Friday as well as to speak to a few other COVID-19 related issues. LOU Clarification I received some questions about the section of the LOU regarding the ability of pre-tenure, pre-continuing appointment and pre-reappointment faculty to choose to defer going up for reappointment, tenure or​ continuing appointment for a year,…

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COVID-19 Update: April 10, 2020

COVID-19 Update: April 10, 2020

Message from the Association President Dear Colleagues, As you are aware, the Association has made a number of proposals to the Administration to assist faculty and librarians in coping with the adjustments made necessary by COVID-19 disruptions. I am very pleased to inform you that the Administration has responded positively to these proposals, as detailed below and in this Letter of Understanding (LOU). This LOU demonstrates that the Administration is aware of the stresses you are facing at this time,…

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COVID-19 Update: April 4, 2020

COVID-19 Update: April 4, 2020

Message from the Association President Dear Colleagues, I hope that all is well with you in these difficult times, and I hope that (within the constraints of physical distancing) you are able to celebrate the end of a particularly unusual and difficult term. Congratulations on getting through it! And thanks for all the work you put into getting to this point. I’m writing with a few updates. The first is relevant to everyone, while others will apply to only some of you. Working…

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