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New Bylaws Transition Plan

New Bylaws Transition Plan

Now that the new Bylaws have been adopted by Members, the Association will begin transitioning our existing governance and committee structure over the next year to become fully compliant with our new Bylaws by January 2018. Our new Bylaws call for the formation of a Representative Council constituted of elected members, including one member elected from each Academic unit, and one from the Library. In addition, we will see some minor changes to other committee structures, as well as the formation of two new committees—the Finance and…

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New Association Bylaws

New Association Bylaws

Thank you to all of you who voted to adopt the Association’s new Bylaws. Yes = 496 Votes (95.2%) No = 25 Votes (4.8%) Total Votes = 521 of 835 Electors (62.4%) The Executive Committee is heartened by this outcome and excited to start this new positive chapter for the Association and our Members!  

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