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Campus Services Announces Changes to UVic’s Childcare Services

Campus Services Announces Changes to UVic’s Childcare Services

Campus Services expands full-day daycare for 3 to 5-year olds, but cancels After School Care On Thursday, June 23, the Faculty Association learned that UVic’s After School Care Program, which currently has 45 spaces, will be closed permanently in June 2017.  A memo from Jim Forbes, Director of Campus Services.  While the cancellation will create 40 new full day care spaces for 3-5 year olds, the loss of After School Care may have a significant impact on our Members.  We…

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Help Protect Your Fellow Academics

Help Protect Your Fellow Academics

          Links to learn more about Turkish academics fired or jailed for signing peace petition: Amnesty International Human Rights Watch CAUT Letter FA Letter   Links to learn more about Canadian scholar charged with sedition against the State in Iran: Free Homa Now Petition Amnesty International Form Letter To Minister of Foreign Affairs, Stephan Dion CAUT Letter  

Solidarity with Our LGBTQ Community!

Solidarity with Our LGBTQ Community!

The University of Victoria Faculty Association stands in Solidarity with the families and friends of the LGBTQ community members killed or injured in the recent mass shooting at an Orlando, Florida nightclub. Our deepest sympathies go out to those most closely affected by this tragic act of hatred. This is a sad and stark reminder that violence and intolerance can make victims of us all.

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