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Author: webmaster

COVID-19 and Revised Policies 

COVID-19 and Revised Policies 

March 17, 2020 Message from the Association President Dear Colleagues, I am impressed with all of the creative and sensible ways in which you are determining how to complete the term. Clearly we are more technically competent than we might have thought. And our dedication to our students was never in doubt. I have received a number of questions related to the COVID-19 situation. I have answered some of you individually, but I wanted to write to all of you on…

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COVID-19 and Completing the Teaching Term

COVID-19 and Completing the Teaching Term

March 13, 2020 Message from the Association President Dear Colleagues, As you may have seen, the University has announced that it is suspending face-to-face instruction as of this Monday, March 16th. It is asking instructors to transition to alternative modes of instruction and assessment for the rest of the term. The administration is giving faculty various options for completing the term. If instructors feel the learning outcomes for the term have been met, instructors have the option of changing the…

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The first issue of our new FA Relay is here!

The first issue of our new FA Relay is here!

Welcome to the first issue of our new FA Relay!  We’re planning to send out a short newsletter about every six weeks, which will include a President’s Update, an additional article of current interest, and a list of upcoming UVICFA events. F.A. Relay – Volume 4, Issue 1 – Spring 2020

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