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Author: webmaster

COVID-19 Update: August 17, 2020

COVID-19 Update: August 17, 2020

Message from the Association President Dear Colleagues, I hope that all is well with you and that you’ve taken my advice to take some time to relax. I have somewhat taken my own advice, so I’m writing this from Sointula, up-Island, to provide you with some updates. Welcoming our New President First, I would like to welcome Kevin Hall, who will take over as our new President on November 1st, 2020. I’ve written to welcome Dr. Hall to UVic and let…

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Message from the Association President Dear Colleagues, Below is a summary of recent advice and guidance provided by Faculty Relations and LTSI about recording and downloading lectures. Recording and Downloading Lectures The advice about recording lectures for online learning is to ideally record in 15 minute chunks, so that online lectures can be broken up with more interactive learning. There are various methods of recording lectures: Self-record using Zoom or Kaltura, in advance or during class. For a full set…

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COVID-19 Update: August 7, 2020

COVID-19 Update: August 7, 2020

Message from the Association President Dear Colleagues, I hope that all is well with you, and that you are having some time to take vacation and enjoy the summer weather. I hope you are not spending all of your time preparing for online teaching, or worrying about preparing for it. TA Support and Online Teaching We all know that worrying doesn’t help, but many academics are unfortunately very good at it. I hope that I can assuage at least some of…

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