Ratification Vote on the Tentative Collective Agreement

Ratification Vote on the Tentative Collective Agreement

The Association’s Representative Council voted unanimously to send the Tentative Collective Agreement, reached by the Negotiating Team and the Administration on June 28, 2019, to the Membership for ratification.

Tentative Collective Agreement Information

The proposed new Collective Agreement contains several significant changes, including:

  • Across the board increases of 1.75%, 1.75% and 2%.
  • A new salary structure (effective July 1, 2020) that will replace our current MI + CPI system.
  • Improved CPI values for Librarians and better inclusion in processes of collegial governance.
  • Promotion increments increased to $5000 for faculty and $4000 for librarians (effective July 1, 2019).
  • A tuition benefit fund available for Members, their dependents, and their partners.
  • 90% compensation for all Study Leaves.
  • Significant improvements for teaching-stream faculty, including a 10% reduction in workload for those teaching 7 or more courses, vacation rights, and Study Leave with no courses owing.
  • A Direct-Pay Drug Card; no life time limits on extended health; and, increases in coverage for paramedical services (from $10 a visit to $30 a visit).
  • New language on Workload, Duties, and ARPT.
  • Ceremonial and Cultural Leave for Indigenous faculty.

This Agreement represents a significant move forward on several key issues and points the way to a much more competitive compensation structure at the University of Victoria.

The Negotiating Team and the FA Council recommend unanimously that the Membership vote in favour of this Collective Agreement by voting YES to ratify.


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